Shaker Model 2110E
110 lbf Dual Purpose Shaker
Model 2110E
The Modal Shop 2110E electrodynamic exciter is a compact and powerful vibration shaker, providing up to 110 pounds (489N) pk sine force. A large armature (3.25 inch diameter platform table supporting payloads up to 10 lbs) makes the shaker ideal for traditional vibration control testing of components and subassemblies. The unit is also designed with a through-hole armature and includes a chuck and collet attachment, providing simple set-up with stingers for experimental modal analysis applications. When used in this configuration, these stingers greatly simplify test setup with an easy connection to the force sensor and test structure, and help decouple cross-axis force inputs, minimizing force measurement errors.
The shaker is supplied in a standard trunnion mounting base with EasyTurn™ handles, allowing operation through a large rotation for easy setup. It also facilitates bolting the shaker in place either with or without vibration isolation mounts. Features include a rugged suspension system which minimizes test fixture requirements and related fixture guidance problems. Its 1" (25.4 mm) stroke, wide frequency range (useable to 6500 Hz), and innovative dual-purpose platform table design support a very broad range of applications. The shaker field supply is integrated into the 2050E09-FS power amplifier and includes a cooling interlock to protect the shaker.